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Resident Information
Small Town,
Big Pride.
Leigh Community Schools
Movie Night

Mayor, City Council & Office

Board Members

Mayor: Larry Fuhr | (402) 750-6173
Scott Kurpgeweit | (402) 276-9752
Wayne Schroeder | (402) 487-2266
Travis Kamm | (402) 276-5729
Rick Hollatz | (402) 270-7403

City Employees

Maintenance: Michael Tullis | (402) 417-4638

City Office: Nancy Schaad
City Office: Karen Hillen

Office Address

153 N Main St.
Leigh, NE 68643

Mailing Address

PO Box 277
Leigh, NE 68643

Office Hours

9 AM–12 PM
1 PM–4 PM

Office Phone


The Village of Leigh has a cemetery on the southwest side of town along Church Road. The cemetery is divided into three parts with each part belonging to a different group: St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Zion Lutheran Church, and the Village of Leigh. For information about lots and pricing, contact information is provided below for each respective group.

St. Mary’s Cemetery

Mark Kabes | (402) 487-3332

Zion Lutheran Cemetery

Dennis Kuester | (402) 920-0185

Leigh Cemetery Board

Kit Held | (402) 270-1103
Janelle Fischer | (402) 487-2737
Mark Hanel (Map) | (402) 270-4446
Kip Held

Landfill/Burn Site

The landfill and burn site for the Village of Leigh is located south of East Finch Street. It is open to the public at all times.

The following is a list of what is accepted at the burn site:

  • Grass clippings
  • Leaves
  • Branches
  • Untreated wood


Terms of Payment

Bills are due on the 15th of each month. If the bill is not paid by the 15th of each month, the account will be considered delinquent. Disconnection notices are sent after the 15th of each month. If payment is not received by the 25th of each month, a $25.00 late fee will be charged to that account.

Utilities Deposit

Utility deposit for any homeowner or business owner is $100. A deposit for any rental property is $200. Deposits are held until the final bill is paid in full.


Loup Power District, a wholesale power customer of Nebraska Public Power District, provides electric service to the Village of Leigh. Leigh’s principal source of power supply is from a 34,000 volt substation located Northeast of Leigh. Cornhusker Public Power District serves the rural areas surrounding Leigh.


Stealth Broadband is the main Internet provider for the Village of Leigh. Stealth covers Northeast Nebraska, providing fast, reliable, and affordable high-speed Internet. For more information about Stealth Broadband’s services, contact information is provided below.

Size of ContainerMonthly Charge
90 gallon$19.25
1 ½ yard$37.25
2 yard$41.75
3 yard$55.75
4 yard$63.75
6 yard$84.00
8 yard$94.00

The monthly charge for an additional 90-gallon container at the same location is an additional $8.15. The monthly charge for two containers (1 ½ yard to 8 yard) at the same location is double the rate listed above. 

These rates have been effective since May 1, 2022.

CustomerMonthly Charge
Commercial$34.00 for 50,000 gallons of water used and $1.00 per 1,000 gallons thereafter

Customers of the Municipal Sewer Department shall be charged the following flat rate for the use of sewer service. Rates shall be set by ordinance and shall be on file at the office of the Municipal Clerk for public inspection at any reasonable time.

The following rates have been in effect since January 1, 2017.

Residents of the Village of Leigh$2.00 per 1,000 gallons
Non-residents of the Village of Leigh$2.30 per 1,000 gallons

There is also an additional service charge of $30.00 per month for residents of the Village of Leigh and $36.50 per month for non-residents of the Village of Leigh. For rural tank truck fills, the charge is $8.00 per 500 gallons. The tap fee for the original connection to the water system is $75.00.

These rates have been in effect since January 1, 2023.